Photos, downloads, quotes
On this page, you will find various materials for your coverage – among them high-resolution photos and quotes. We also would be pleased to provide footage material for your TV coverage. If you need relevant material, please contact our press contact directly.
For photojournalists: A photo library of the “newTrabi” from 2007 as model photos and together with the initiator Klaus Schindler, personality photos of the partners Gerschewski, Poschwatta and Schindler – all high-resolution JPG files.
The Trabant became the "newTrabi" and at the IAA 2009, the "Trabant nT". Current logos in various resolutions can be downloaded here:
In the area below, you will find various moving images on the topic Trabant nT”. All data are suitable for broadcasting in MPEG2 standard and available for a preview in wmv format.